

Social learning is an important aspect of modern learning didactics. 61 percent of top performers say they will increase their spending on social learning, including 8 percent who say they will increase it significantly (Research Study: Social Learning Gains Momentum). We have also invested in social learning features. With our Community Builder, you motivate learners to interact with each other in live chat or on the pinboard. They network over longer periods of time, continuously gain new insights and grow together to form a community. Some of our content types also work collaboratively. Let participants compare or evaluate attributes/products and then respond to the results together


Set up special bulletin boards on specific topics of a training where comprehension questions can be discussed and answered, or create your own social wall where participants can post their training experience.


With Livestreams, use Groupchats to interact with your participants. Answer questions live, as you would in a classroom training, or use the chat to prepare FAQ sessions.


Content types can and should also be collaborative. The comparison can be used to compare any attributes (e.g. products or properties) with a core attribute. It works in a similar way with the rating. Once all results have been collected, one click is enough to obtain a cumulative result.